Client: Gerber


  • Industrial Design

Sharp Attack!

As part of a large re imagining of clip knives, that is, a redesign of  the trusty (good name) pocket knife,  FUSE also did the RIPSTOP. The RIPSTOP is this very detailed  product with its skeletal design, over sized pivot surround and subtle grip scallops that mirror the blade’s serrations.  The blade features a big Orca Eye assist, and it  looks like a predator (especially the with the  serrated version’s teeth) when open.  Some may suggest it’s over designed, but given its price point and the zeitgeist at the time, really it’s a nice composition.  Light, shadow, fasteners and openings within the the body  work together. This turned out to be a very popular model.

We had  suggested names like GASH MAKER, STABBY McSTABBER, GUTTER,  SORRY MOM! and STEVE CARVEY,  but none of these won.  RIPSTOP  is  kind of a funny name given a knife is the opposite of a rip stopper, it’s really a RIP-GO-ER