Runners Orp

Client: Orp Industries


  • Needfinding
  • Industrial Design
  • Naming
  • Identity
  • Development
  • Engineering
  • Prototyping
  • Testing


Orp Industries has  always talked about building a running version of their innovative  bike horn/ light product, and finally with our help, they’ve done it.

The Runners Orp or “Rorp” is for runners, walkers, hikers and boarders of all  types. The big idea, of course, is to make  pedestrians more visible by being more hearable, but the  Rorp can do more. Runners and walkers who use nights or  dark early mornings to run and walk not only have a beacon to be seen but also a very loud horn to let any would be attackers know their attention  is unwanted,  and if that’s not enough, an accessory cranulator (machined aluminum) is available to cause  more serious damage.

The Rorp has a gumby-like malleable metal armature in its body so it holds on to you, works for small and large hand sizes and  features a dual tone horn,  just like the bike Orp, and the actuator is  always under thumb. The Rorp is symmetrical so works on either hand.  Multiple light modes including  highly visible green LEDs. The LEDs fire every time either horn is fired. Newest versions incorporate a  180 degree  Chip On Board (COB_ LED array. This new LED offers better visibility.


Here's the problem. You're running against traffic like your supposed to, and a driver is looking to turn right out of a parking lot you are fast approaching. The driver is looking left and if clear will proceed with their right turn. Suddenly, you're there and the driver doesn't see you until it's too late. Of course, there are multiple other situations where alerting cars, bikes and other road and trail users can be beneficial.


The Runners Orp can solve this problem. The runner or pedestrian gives the driver a toot to get their attantion and averts a potential clean - up on aisle YOU.

76dB + 96dB